Bioacoustics Research Lab
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | The Department of Bioengineering  Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
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BRL Seminars - Spring Semester 2002

All BRL Seminars are held at 4 pm on Tuesdays in 3269 Beckman unless otherwise indicated.

1/15: No Seminar

1/22: No Seminar

1/29: No Seminar

2/5: No Seminar

2/6: WEDNESDAY, 3269 BI, 4 pm: Nancy Winfree, PhD, Dominca, Albuquerque, NM "Garments to Protect the Human Lungs from Blast Waves"

2/12: Tim Bigelow, Graduate Student, BRL, ECE - "Experimental Evaluation of Indicators of Nonlinearity for Linear Extrapolation During Transducer Characterizations"

2/19: Michael L. Oelze, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate, Electrical & Computer Engineering, BRL - "Ultrasonic RF-based imaging for the purposes of characterizing the microstructure of solid tumors"

2/26: No Seminar/SPIE Meeting

3/5: *****ROOM 4169*****Xiangtao Yin, Graduate Student, BRL, ECE, "Further Development on Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Defect Detection Simulation"

3/12: No Seminar/AIUM Meeting

3/19: No Seminar/Spring Break

3/26: Jeremy Bredfeldt, Undergraduate, BRL, ECE, "Passive Cavitation Detection"

4/2: Jonathan Mamou, Graduate Student, BRL, ECE, "Simulations and Direct Wave Issue For the Subsurface Acoustic Imaging Project"

4/9: Stacie Sakai, Graduate Student, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, BRL, "Mechanism of Ultrasound Induced Lung Damage"

4/16: Mark Haun, Graduate Student, ECE, BRL, & Digital Signal Processing Group, Coordinated Science Laboratory, "Geophysical methods for aberration correction in medical ultrasound"

4/23: Sarah Hartleben, Graduate Student, ECE, BRL, "Further Examination of the Amplitude Steered Array"

4/30: Craig Janus

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