Bioacoustics Research Lab
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | The Department of Bioengineering  Wednesday, January 15th, 2025
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BRL Seminars - Fall Semester 2002

All BRL Seminars are held at 4 pm on Tuesdays in 3269 Beckman unless otherwise indicated.

9/3: No Seminar.

9/10: Charles C. Church, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, National Center for Physical Acoustics, Univ. of Mississippi, Oxford, MS "A Theoretical Study of Acoustic Cavitation Produced by "Positive-only" and "Negative-only" Pressure Waves in vivo"

9/17: "Professor Kyekyoon (Kevin) Kim, Director, Thin Film and Charged Particle Research Laboratory ECE, UIUC Precision Microspheres and Microcapsules of Drug-containing Biodegradable Materials and Application to Advanced Drug Delivery"

9/24: Tim Bigelow, Graduate Student, BRL, ECE, Beckman Fellow, Beckman Institute, UIUC "Parametric Imaging Assuming Focused Sources"

10/1: Professor James M. Sabatier, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist and Research Professor of Physics, National Center for Physical Acoustics, Univ. of Mississippi, Oxford, MS "The Physics of Buried Landmine Detection Using Airborne Sound"

10/8: No Seminar, Ultrasound Symposium, Munich, Germany

10/15: No Seminar.

10/22: Michael L. Oelze, Ph.D. - Measurement of Lung Impedance in vitro for Different Levels of Inflation

10/29: Mark Haun - Adaptive focusing through layered media using the geophysical 'time migration' concept

11/5: Stacie Sakai, Graduate Student, Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, BRL, UIUC "Force Measurements of the Fountain Effect at a Water-Air Boundary"

11/12: Yuhui Liu, Graduate Student, ECE, BRL, UIUC "Finite Element Analysis on Sound Wave Propagation into Human Head"

11/19: Xiangtao Yin, Graduate Student, ECE, BRL, UIUC "Investigation of the Pulse-echo Subwavelength Defect Detection Mechanism"

11/29: No Seminar Thanksgiving Break

12/3: Professor Leon A. Frizzell, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, BRL, Beckman Institute, UIUC "Ultrasound Enhancement of Bone Healing Applied to Mandibular Distraction"

12/10: Jonathan Mamou, Graduate Student, ECE, BRL, UIUC "Further Improvement of Ultrasonic Parametric Images by the Use of 3D-Impedance Map"

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